LED Signs: Comparing Text Displays Vs Image Displays


LED signs are a great signage option for your business, especially due to their illuminated nature, which makes them visible 24/7. There are numerous types of LED signs in the market today. The most common are the text displays, also known as scrolling signs. Then there are image LED signs which mimic a PowerPoint display by showcasing pre-programmed images as opposed to texts. In this article, see how the two compare.

6 December 2016

Issues to Consider Before Setting Up Digital Signage


The success of your digital signage, such as LED signs, may depend on how well you think through the entire signage project. This article discusses some issues that you need to think about before you set up the digital signage of your restaurant business. The Vision of the Project Some business owners rush to put up LED signs just because they have seen a competitor do the same. Such a rushed decision can result in frustration and wasted resources.

13 July 2016

Don't Overlook These Design Principles for Creating Effective Business Signage


Effective business signage means a sign that shows customers where you're located and which can also help to encourage foot traffic through the front door. Signage should be easily seen, easy to read, easily recognizable, and should reflect well on your business. To incorporate all those principles into your business signage, note a few simple but important tips. 1. Note the orientation Most business signs are landscape, meaning wider from left to right than from top to bottom.

18 April 2016

The Key Advantages of Digital Signage


Are you a business owner who has not yet embraced the power of digital signage as a way to attract potential clients? Read on and discover some of the key benefits of using digital signage to advertise your products or services. Eye-Catching Content Digital signage enables you to use moving images or videos to attract the attention of your target market. Such media is more attractive than a static image, so you will be able to make your brand memorable to all who view that content.

7 January 2016